E-mail: rfloresmeath@gmail.com
3rd year Junior
I am taking this class because I want to learn how we can minimize the learning curve of computing to make it more accessible and intuitive.
I am proficient in Java, C, C++, and PHP.
In ten years, I hope to either be researching computer security or machine learning.
I think that a system that is capable of producing original thoughts (ie. not a chatterbot) will be the next big technological advancement in computer science.
If I could travel back in time, I would like to meet Grace Hopper because she was a radical innovator in Computer Science.
My favorite shoes are my flip-flops because they're very portable and cheap to replace.
I would like to be fluent in Chinese because that opens up so many more technical documents that cover obscure but interesting technology.
An interesting fact about myself is that I dabble digital audio synthesis, specifically computer-generated compositions.
oh. would love to hear someone of your music. interesting.